Practice Exams: PCAP – Certified Associate Python Programmer

3x1 : Learn Python, Get certified for Python PCAP 2024 in 1st attemp , Prepare Python interviews or Codingame Tests !
Course Details
Title Practice Exams: PCAP – Certified Associate Python Programmer
Category Development
Sub Category Programming Languages
Creator Name Mohamed Amine Aloui, GrowYourKnowledge Training
Language English
Rating 5
Length 0:0 Hours
Coupon StatusActive


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                                      ____    3x1 : Three goals  in only one course ! _____ 

3x1 :
1- Learn Python  ! 2-Get certified for Python PCAP 2024  in 1st attemp !3-Prepare Python interviews & Codingame Tests !

You're here because you want to learn Python, to prepare for your interviews or codinggames teststo ,to  pass certification (PCEP,PCAP...) right,?

Perfect - this is the Best Practices Exam Course for  you!  but before to start this course you need to accomplish my Udemy Course:      ____    Python For Absolute Beginners & Pass The PCEP Exam       ____

                      ____    Python for Intermediate Learners & Pass The PCAP Exam  ____

This is the  Easiest Python for Beginners Course. You don't need to watch dozens of hours of lessons to learn the basics. For many of you, it's better to start with something a little more simple, and a lot more fun.We prepare for you dozens examples with ready code to run in Pycharm with more details for every line of code .

For each question:   You 'll get 4 sections :

  1. Try it yourself :  you can copy the code and run it in your pycharm IDE .

  2. Explanation :  we explain the correct answer with evey details.

  3. Note : we give you more information about the same objectif ,best practises and other tricks.

  4. Qxyy:  [x: Exam number  , yy: number of question ], you can refer with this numer to ask me any details about this question (case : answer is rang, not clear ,you need more example to understand more ... )

Example:    Overall Expanation for Q307 (Practices Exam n° 3 )

Try it yourself:

data = {'a':  1, 'b':  2, 'c':  3}

print(data['a': 'b'] )


You can't index with multiple keys like this. You get a KeyError.

To print the value of a dictionary dict = {'key' : value}  ==> print(dict['key']) # output: value

print(data['a'] ) #output:  1

print(data['b'] ) #output: 2

print(data['c'] ) #output: 3

Note :

  • You can also use the values() method to return values of a dictionary .

  • You can use the keys() method to return the keys of a dictionary .

  • You can use the items() method to return both keys and values.

thisdict = {"brand": "Ford","model": "Mustang", "year": 1964}

for x, y in thisdict.items():

        print(x, y)


Q307 (Please refer to this number, if you want to write me about this question.)

Prepare to pass your Certification PCAP

PCAP Topics Exams:

Section 1: Modules and Packages (12%)

Section 2: Exceptions (14%)

Section 3: Strings (18%)

Section 4: Object-Oriented Programming (34%)

Section 5: Miscellaneous (22%)

PCAP Certification: Exam Information

Exam Name : PCAP™ – Certified Associate Python Programmer

Exam Code : PCAP-31-03 (Status: Active)

Pre-requisites : None

Validity : Lifetime

Duration :  65 minutes, NDA/Tutorial: 10 minutes

Number of Questions : 40

Format: Single- and multiple-select questions | Python 3.x

Passing Score : 70%

Languages :   English